Welcome to GuiesBtt.cat

We are GuiesBtt.cat. A MTB Routes company and we are also a Travel Agency. We take care of making reservations, hiring transportation, coordinating visits, monitoring activities, making insurance,… We take care of everything so that you feel the best possible during the route. Whatever the trip, the route or the experience. Because we are a mountain bike activities company, respectful of the Environment and seeking maximum collaboration with the local economy. That is why we have the Biosphere Accreditation.
But we are also a Travel Agent.

Luego, MTB Tour. Por tanto, BTT.

What do we do at GuiesBtt.cat?

We are a sustainable bicycle tourism company. And we are dedicated to organizing MTB Routes.
Thus, we organize, design and create tourist routes, family routes, routes to enjoy with friends, routes for experts, single-theme routes,… in short, routes for all types of clients and in natural environments. Because we range from morning outings to multi-day trips; from the Catalan Pyrenees or the Cadí to the Terra Alta, or the Ports of Tortosa-Beseit. Or the unknown Prades Mountains, the Moianès plateau, the D.O. Pla de Bages (and its trails), the surprising Priorat or the flat (and castle-filled) Segarra. That’s why we are Certified Professional Guides on mountain routes.

Our goal is to prepare the most appropriate routes for each type of client. Thus, family routes, usually guided, with little mileage and little unevenness always travel along wide and easy paths.

The proposals for experts, always self-guided, often take place along fun trails (up and down) where the most skilled will enjoy their experienced technique.

But we also carry out other activities: We have rental bikes for children and adults. Of all sizes and characteristics. We also organize school and extracurricular activities. From driving and road safety courses to learning classes for children. And we are managers of the Ecorail, a small train that works by pedaling bicycles located on platforms on the tracks. A very fun experience! Unique in the Iberian Peninsula and that we have the possibility of enjoying in Bages, very close to Manresa.

Por tanto, MTB Tours. Así pues, MTB Routes. Además, Rutas MTB. Y MTB tours.

Why we? Why GuiesBtt.cat?

Because, above all, we deeply explore the territory. We tour the area for days, talking to farmers, shepherds or even other cyclists, in search of the most beautiful corners, the most unusual places – often even quite hidden – in the territory.

A pond of crystal clear waters in the middle of a river, a majestic chasm a few meters away, some impressive waterfalls at the end of a stream,… little by little we found all the singularities of the territory to finally configure a magnificent route.

Because we boost the local economy. In search of the most characteristic establishments in the area, looking for the best local cuisine or the most unique products of the territory. In the Trans Terra Alta, if it’s time, you will taste the Clotxa or the Truita amb Suc. Or the typical Cuina de Bolets in Trans Pedraforca, if the time is right. And the excellent wines of the D.O. Pla de Bages in the Land of Bacus.

Because many times we have the collaboration of a local guide (that’s why Guies in plural, not Guide) to design and create our routes. No one like him will know the roads, shortcuts, paths of his area.

Because we encourage the use of bicycles to explore a territory. Sustainable, ecological and with minimal environmental impact. We previously contacted the management of the Natural Parks to know where we should go and where not, respecting the protected areas. An ecological impact as minimal as possible so that future generations can also enjoy the same experience. We are aware that it is necessary to promote sustainability. There is only one planet and we must take care of it.

For all this we have the Biosphere accreditation.
This is how we are at GuiesBtt.cat.

Así pues, GuiesBtt.cat. También MTB Routes. Además, MTB Tours. Y 

Discover more proposals at:

  • www.transgarrotxa.com La ruta de los volcanes!. Pedaleando entre hayedos, por la Garrotxa más profunda, con numerosos senderos
  • www.transterraalta.com Explorando la Terra Alta, entre els Ports (Tortosa – Beceite) y el Ebro. Riachuelos de aguas cristalinas, restos de la Batalla del Ebro, monumentales bodegas, cooperativas….
  • www.transpedraforca.com La ruta 360º de alta montaña, por el mítico Pedraforca. Entre praderas, bosques de coníferas, magníficos paisajes de la Sierra del Cadí… Ciclable al 100%.
  • www.transmoianesbtt.com !Una encantadora comarca!. Llena de historia, con montones de dólmenes, pozas de hielo, hayedos, rincones maravillosos…. Una increible sorpresa!
  • www.transportsbtt.com Una aventura pels Massis dels Ports, amb uns magnífics paisatges. Una maravillosa ruta que entra de forma puntual al Maestrat i al Matarranya per un entorn impresionant.
  • www.transsegarra.com ¿Por qué la Segarra es la “Tierra de Castillos”?. Ven, descubre (y visita) los castillos de la frontera de los Condados Catalanes del S. XI – XII. Fácil ruta (opción familiar).
  • www.terradebacus.com ¡El Bages, una zona vinícola histórica (ahora D.O. Pla de Bages)!. Ruta fácil, visitando bodegas, degustando buenos vinos, disfrutando del paisaje. Ideal grupos, amigos y parejas…
  • www.transprioratmtb.com El porqué del excepcional despertar del Priorat!. ¿Que es la licorella?, ¿cómo se plantaban los viñedos… ?. El Priorat es mucho más que una tierra de grandes vinos.
  • www.corriolsdebacus.com ¿Una ruta de 2 o 3 días de quilómetros y quilómetros de más y más senderos?. Sin complicaciones. Para disfrutar!!. En la Catalunya central y buenos alojamientos.
  • www.transmuntayesdeprades.com En las cercanías de Tarragona, se alza un territorio montañoso, lleno de castaños, tejos, enzinas y alcornoques casi desconocido. Un terra apenas conocida de pequeños pueblos entre pozas y riachuelos. ¡¡Una auténtica sorpresa!!.
  • www.latranscatllaras.cat En el Pirineo Catalán, se halla un impresionante macizo. Una ruta exigente, de alta montaña, entre praderas y enormes bosques: El Catllaràs. Un paraíso para la MTB.

Rutas de larga distancia:

  • www.caminoignacianomtb.com From Loiola (Azpeitia, in the Basque country) to Manresa: The route that Saint Ignatius took 500 years ago, but by mountain bike. In 9, 10 or 11 days. To better understand the founder of the Jesuits or, simply, to explore a good part of the Iberian Peninsula by MTB.

Todas las propuestas en: 

Tel. 610.355.736
Maria Aurèlia Capmany, 28 . 08250 Sant Joan de Vilatorrada / Cal Brunat. 08694 St. Julià de Cerdanyola.

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
 «Albert Enstein»